Jungle - Ecommerce

Jungle is a plant themed E-commerce web application built with Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap CSS, PostgreSQL, and Stripe.

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Jungle is a plant themed E-commerce web application built with Ruby on Rails. This was my first time using Rails and the MVC paradigm which I really liked!

The idea of “convention over configuration” didn’t make a ton of sense to me at first, but I quickly realized the magic of it once I started building out my models, views and controllers - everything seemed to just work, as long as you stuck to the Rail’s conventions, which made the developer experience very enjoyable! 10/10 would work with Rails again.

The application covers some of the most common features you would expect from an e-commerce site, including:

  • • Cookie based user authentication and back-end validation.

  • • Password protected admin panel.

  • • Product and product category management.

  • • Checkout powered by Stripe 💳